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Mrs. Abbi Hill Rosebud Award Recipient

Posted Date: 08/25/2022

Mrs. Abbi Hill Rosebud Award Recipient

2022 RoseBud Honoree

Abbi Hill has been a shining star recruit to Pi Chapter since her induction in 2018! She immediately jumped in to
take on committee assignments and volunteered to help with large or small tasks to further the mission of DKG, Pi Chapter. She is a leader in her school, in her community and in Pi Chapter. She agreed to be Co-President early in her membership and has shown brilliance and resilience through Covid challenges, snow, floods, and flu! Further, she has demonstrated leadership at the state level with committee work, making presentations, and interactions with TN State Organization leaders and members. It is rare to find a young person with all the skills to fit right in with an established, recognized organization and make a significant difference within 3-4 years, but Abbi has!